

Here you’ll find sermons preached at Roebuck Presbyterian. Click on the sermon title to go to the page for the individual sermon—where you can download the sermon and find descriptions, bulletins, sermon notes, and related sermons.

Genesis 8:6-22 While our times of waiting prepare our hearts to worship God for His promises kept, worshipping while we wait on His sure promises is all the better.
Genesis 7:17-8:5 God is responsible for all the small details and facts of our world. God is responsible for all the major events and circumstances of our lives.

Proverbs 31 Woman

May 12, 2024
Proverbs 31:1-31 The Proverbs 31 woman embraces her role as mother, wife, and God-fearer.
Genesis 5:28-6:8 Our situation on earth and God’s response from heaven show man’s need of God’s grace.

Life Goes On

April 21, 2024
Genesis 4:17-5:32 After Adam’s sin, life continued, more and more showing our need for Christ.
Genesis 4:1-16 God will always be just in His dealings with us, and His mercy always comes through His justice applied to Christ, that His mercy might be given to…
John 11:21-37 How do we make sense of the loss of a loved one? In the midst of despair there is gospel hope for resurrection.
1 Corinthians 15:21-22, 47-49 Federal headship: as Adam’s sin brought us all death, so Christ’s obedience brings us all eternal life through faith in His resurrection.
Genesis 3:14-24 Adam’s sin had many consequences and points all people to a great Redeemer.
Genesis 3:1-7 Satan works to undermine God’s Word in three ways: (1) its source, (2) its authority, and (3) its worth.

Psalm 4

October 1, 2023
Psalm 4:1-8 Who do you go to when you need help or when you are in distress? In Psalm 4, David has fled from his son, Absalom and he has…

Genesis 5:1-32

September 17, 2023
Genesis 5:1-32 This passage shows us God’s patience with sinners and the hope of salvation.

Mark 5:1-20

September 10, 2023
Mark 5:1-20 In this passage in Mark, we see power of demons. We learn that Jesus has the power to convert people totally.

Mark 7:24-30

September 3, 2023
Mark 7:24-30 This sermon teaches how Jesus demonstrates grace to the Gentiles.

Daniel 2:46-3:7

August 27, 2023
Daniel 2:46-3:7 Nebuchadnezzar had a religious experience but there was no conversion. This sermon explores the importance of conversion.

Daniel 2:31-45

August 20, 2023
Daniel 2:31-45 If you ruled the world and has the power to do whatever you wanted, what would you want?

Daniel 2:1-13

August 6, 2023
Daniel 2:1-13 In this passage we see the hostility of Nebuchadnezzar. This is God’s kingdom and there are certain things only God can do.

Fishers of Men

July 30, 2023
John 21:1-14 Jesus teaches his disciples (an us) that the mission is to be fishers of men.

Salvation Is of the Lord

July 23, 2023
Micah 7:18-20 Who is God? What does God do? Why does God do what he does? In this sermon from Micah, we find out the answers to these questions.
Daniel 1:8-21 In this sermon we see how Daniel resolved to not defile himself, but because he had confidence that God would act, he remained faithful and obedient.


Song of Christmas
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Nicene Creed
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