

Here you’ll find sermons preached at Roebuck Presbyterian. Click on the sermon title to go to the page for the individual sermon—where you can download the sermon and find descriptions, bulletins, sermon notes, and related sermons.


June 18, 2023
Hebrews 4:1-13 Why fear God or heed his warnings? Do you sometimes feel like quitting? This sermon will explain why our attempts to find rest outside of Jesus don’t work.
Romans 16:25-27 In this sermon, Pastor Winston leaves us with some final thoughts on the greatness of the gospel.

Remember and Rejoice

June 4, 2023
Ecclesiastes 11:7-12:14 Here at the end of Ecclesiastes, Solomon tells us one more pointed time how we can have this eternal perspective on life. By pointing us towards our death,…
Luke 14:25-35 It is true that Jesus had come to establish God’s kingdom, but as he had already explained several times, that kingdom was going to begin very differently from…

The Transfiguration

May 21, 2023
Luke 9:28-36 We’ve been given the privilege of listening in on a conversation about God and his Son. This passage is usually called the Transfiguration, and it challenge us to…

The Prodigal Son

May 14, 2023
Luke 15:11-32 As we look at this parable, consider which character you align with. Do you align with the prodigal son or with the older brother? Or are you trying…
John 14:1-14 After Jesus tells his disciples that he will be leaving them, he gives the disciples four reasons why they can trust him. All four reasons are based on…
John 3:1-16 What Nicodemus needed to realize, and what we need to embrace as well, is the idea that Jesus is the one through whom God’s new creation comes. And…
John 14:15-27 This whole passage is about the Spirit Jesus promises to send who will live with you and me. And this promised Holy Spirit will transform us into the…
John 21:15-19 What is Jesus doing with Peter here? How does Jesus address fallen disciples? How did he address Peter, and how does he address us when we sin? Have…
Matthew 20:1-16 If Jesus’ disciples are going to walk the path with him that leads through suffering unto glory, then these are the attitudes and actions that must characterize them…
Matthew 19:1-12 As followers of Jesus, we can listen to his words in order to be instructed on how to follow our master in the way he wants us to…
Matthew 28:16-20 Jesus gave directions to the church. Are we remembering our marching orders? Church planting is the ordinary. We can’t separate the church from its mission. In this sermon…

A War of Words

July 24, 2022
Psalm 64:1-10 In this sermon, we see from Psalm 64 how we can tear people down with words and how we can encourage people with words.
Matthew 16:21-28 As we continue to look at these passages, we see that there is division and contrast even among the twelve disciples. Tonight, we will look at the different…

Jonah, Part 5

July 10, 2022
Jonah 4:1-11 God’s Mercy is Greater Than Our Mercy

Jonah, Part 4

July 3, 2022
Jonah 3:1-10 In this passage we see the mercy of God toward a pagan, idol-worshipping nation and the mercy of God toward Jonah. We learn that we need to show…

The Church and the Truth

June 26, 2022
1 Timothy 3:14-16 In this passage, the Apostle Paul highlights the church’s stability, it is “the pillar and foundation of the truth” (3:15), and he highlights the church’s success with…

Jonah, Part 2

June 12, 2022
Jonah 1:7-16 In the passage, we see how honest confession brings peace.

Jonah, Part 1

June 5, 2022
Jonah 1:1-16 In this passage we learn from Jonah that running from the Lord does not remove his presence.


Song of Christmas
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Nicene Creed
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