Roebuck Presbyterian Church (PCA)
Strengthen the Church, Evangelize the World

Let us introduce you to what we believe
and the mission we seek to fullfill.
Click here for RPC Beliefs and Mission.
Core values:

The Word & Worship
RPC meets regularly to teach and preach the Bible, to administer the sacraments, to pray, and to worship as a family in services that are filled with God’s Word.

Shepherding & Holy Living
The elders at RPC seek to know the people who worship with us so we can lead them in following Christ.

Fellowship & Relationships
We aim to get to know one another at meals and activities so that fellowship can lead to relationships centered around what God is doing in our lives.

Outreach & Service
We take the good news into our communities and serve with deeds of mercy.
Our Ministries
We gather for worship on Sundays at 10:00 and 6:00 PM. Our youth group meets during the school year on Sunday nights at 6:00 PM. We have Sunday School for all ages at 9:00 AM. We also have a young adults’ fellowship, women in the church, and men’s prayer breakfasts.

Our Beliefs
Our foundational belief is that the Bible is God’s Word, the ultimate standard for what we believe and how we live. The Westminster Confession of Faith and the Westminster Shorter and Larger Catechisms define our beliefs in key areas of Christian faith and practice. Adherence to the gospel constitutes the most essential mark of a Christian and a Christian church (Rom 1:1–7, 16–17; 1 Cor 15:1–11).

Our Vision
Before Jesus ascended into heaven, he commissioned the church to “make disciples of all nations” (Matt 28:19). The ministry of the local church equips believers to fulfill this mission (Eph 4:7–16). Therefore, RPC exists to glorify God by strengthening believers and evangelizing unbelievers (mission). We strive to be a gospel-centered church that produces mature disciples for Roebuck, Spartanburg county, and beyond (vision). To accomplish this mission, we prioritize the Word and worship, shepherding and holy living, fellowship and relationships, and outreach and community service.
Our Denomination
Roebuck Presbyterian Church (RPC) is a member congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). The PCA is one of the faster growing denominations in the United States, with over 1700 churches and missions throughout the USA and Canada. The PCA seeks to be faithful to the Scriptures, true to the Reformed faith, and obedient to the Great Commission. Learn more at

Our History
Roebuck Presbyterian Church was established in 1891 and has maintained a faithful witness in Spartanburg county. To watch a video of our history, visit
Our Mission Works
- Mr. & Mrs. Peter & Diane Bakelaar (MTW, Japan)
- Rev. Todd Buchner, Christians Teaching Christians
- Rev. & Mrs. Brian & Missy Howard (RUFI, Clemson)
- Rev. & Mrs. Tom & Chané Hart (RUF, Furman)
- Ms. Rachel Bauserman (MTW, Japan)
- Rev. & Mrs. Clete & Karen Hux (ARC, Birmingham, AL)
- Mr. & Mrs. Marc & Aline Mailloux (MTW, International)
- Mr. & Mrs. Gerald & Debbie May (TEAM, Japan)
- Rev. & Mrs. Brian & Megan Moore (MTW, Germany)
- Rev. & Mrs. Tony & Janice Rogers (Metanoia, SC Prisons)
- Mr. and Mrs. Shori & Saki Sunagawa (MTW, Japan)
- Miss Becky White (MTW, Taiwan)
- Mr. & Mrs. David & Robin White (MTW, Atlanta)
- Dr. & Mrs. Tom & Lucy Wright (MTW, Africa)
- Child Evangelism Fellowship, Good News Clubs
- Carolina Pregnancy Center
- Gideons International