John 14:28-31 Why did Jesus come to earth? Jesus came so that we would know that Jesus loved the Father so much that he couldn’t not obey the Father’s request.
John 11:21-37 How do we make sense of the loss of a loved one? In the midst of despair there is gospel hope for resurrection.
John 17:6-19 In Jesus’s prayer we learn about the great privilege we have, to be a child of God.
John 4:1-30,39-42 What do we need for life? How are we going to find it? Jesus answers these questions in this passage.
John 21:1-14 Jesus teaches his disciples (an us) that the mission is to be fishers of men.
John 14:1-14 After Jesus tells his disciples that he will be leaving them, he gives the disciples four reasons why they can trust him. All four reasons are based on…
John 3:1-16 What Nicodemus needed to realize, and what we need to embrace as well, is the idea that Jesus is the one through whom God’s new creation comes. And…
John 14:15-27 This whole passage is about the Spirit Jesus promises to send who will live with you and me. And this promised Holy Spirit will transform us into the…
John 21:15-19 What is Jesus doing with Peter here? How does Jesus address fallen disciples? How did he address Peter, and how does he address us when we sin? Have…
John 20:11-23 In this passage, we find the disciples hiding in a locked room “for fear of the Jewish leaders” (v. 19). Mary remains at the tomb weeping (v .11).…