Matthew 16:21-28 As we continue to look at these passages, we see that there is division and contrast even among the twelve disciples. Tonight, we will look at the different…
Matthew 13:53-58 As we come to chapters 14–18, we see that division continuing to intensify. The hostility to Jesus will only grow as he journeys closer to Jerusalem (cf. 16:21).…

The Kingdom Parables

May 1, 2022
Matthew 13:1-52 Matthew 13 contains eight parables. These parables present big ideas that highlight the contrast between those who follow Jesus and those who do not. They illustrate this growing…
Matthew 12:22-37 The true Jesus shines in his authority (as the crowds begin to perceive) and elicits a hostile response from those who are determined to oppose him (Pharisees). Let’s…

Losing Sight of God

March 20, 2022
Matthew 12:1-21 In Jesus’ dispute with the Pharisees in Matt. 12, we’re given great insight into the things that God cares about. And these principles, these ideas, are the standard…

Responses to Jesus

March 13, 2022
Matthew 11:20-30 Chapters 11–12 provide examples of people who respond in different ways to Jesus the Messiah (positive, negative, and somewhat confused [John the Baptist]).[1] Not only that, but chs.…