Revelation 7 gives a behind-the-scenes look at heavenly reality during the interadvent age (the time between the first and second comings of Jesus).
Revelation 6 gives the first series of judgments in Revelation: the seven seals. These depict God's direction of world events between the first and second comings of Jesus.
Revelation 5 focuses on the risen and enthroned lamb (Jesus), whose enthronement inaugurates the events of Revelation.
Before describing the events of the interadvent age (the time between Jesus' first and second comings), Revelation 4 gives a vision of God's heavenly throne room, where Jesus directs all…
One of the first events of the book of Revelation is John's vision of the risen Christ, who commissions John to record the visions he sees in this book.
Revelation opens with John's greetings to the churches which exalts the God-centered nature of the entire book.
Tonight's message continues the introduction to Revelation, looking at such features as the book's author, recipients, date, genre, purpose and interpretive approaches.
Tonight's message introduces the book of Revelation, looking at such features as the book's author, recipients, date, genre, purpose and interpretive approaches.
Tonight's message examines Christ's address to the church at Laodicea, which he describes as "lukewarm—neither hot nor cold."
Tonight's message examines Christ's address to the church at Philadelphia, whom Christ promises to "keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world."