September 27, 2020

Hosea: God’s Faithful Love, Part 1

Passage: Hosea 1:1-11
Service Type:

Hosea best known for his marriage to an adulterous woman. Hosea preaches the covenant like other prophets, and he acts it out like other prophets, but, “Unlike other prophets, he suffers profound personal agony through marital betrayal by his wife.”[1] “By loving this woman despite her failure to remain faithful to him Hosea demonstrates for Israel the persevering love of God for a constantly straying Israel.”[2] Therefore, Hosea demonstrates God’s faithful love.

[1] House, OTT, 348.

[2] House, OTT, 348.

Title and outline based on Paul House, Old Testament Theology (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 1998).

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