Jesus’ Compassion
You might have certain spiritual needs that you don’t know about. Maybe it’s a certain pace of life or even Christian service that you’re trying to maintain, and you’ve become blind to your need for rest. Perhaps you’ve become complacent in your Christian walk, or perhaps you’ve experienced some real growth, but that’s made you blind to the areas where sin or unbelief still lurk. Part of Jesus’ compassion towards us is to show us the needs we don’t even know we have.
And perhaps, like in today’s story, you know exactly what you need, but you have no idea how it’s going to be met. The beauty of this passage is that it addresses both kinds of needs: the ones we know about, and the ones we don’t know about. And it assures that Jesus is able to meet them. So, let’s go through the story together, and let us see how Jesus’ compassion shows us our needs, and meets them.