Who is God going to recognize as his people, those who have faith alone or those who add works to faith to try and be accepted by God? In this…
The relationship between the Apostle Paul and the Galatians had broken down. From this passage, Pastor Winston shows what caused the breakdown. He also shows us three ways that will…
In this sermon we see the role of the Holy Spirit in taking us from bondage to sin and the elements of the world to salvation and adoption as children…
What constitutes your identity? This sermon show us that either we are trying to build our own identity or we find our identity in Christ. When we find that we…
In this sermon, Pastor Winston shows from the Apostle Paul's letter how the covenant that God made with Moses does not annul the covenant God made with Abraham. He shows…
In this passage, the Apostle Paul appeals to the scriptures in the Old Testament to show that a right standing before God has always come by faith - trusting in…
Faith starts our Christian life. Is faith enough to finish the Christian life, or must we add our works to faith? The Apostle Paul teaches that we start, and finish,…
How do sinners obtain a right standing with God? What is the purpose of the law? Through union with Christ, we enjoy a right standing with God and live new…
Why would the Apostle Peter reject fellowship with the Gentiles? This sermon explains, from God' word, how the gospel solves the problem of God's acceptance of us and our acceptance…
This sermon looks at the mission of the church, the necessity of mercy ministry and some of the objections to mercy ministry.