Romans 12:9-21 Paul continues to paint this picture of the new humanity in action, focusing on our sincere love for one another and our forgiving love for those who hurt…
Romans 12:1-8 Now that we are in Christ, we can be renewed and transformed into the new humanity that does God’s will and uses our gifts and abilities for the…
Romans 11:25-36 The theme of mercy becomes the controlling idea that continues to humble us as God’s people and drives us to give him praise. This theme emerged early in…
Romans 11:13-24 This passage becomes another reminder of the way the gospel works. It makes us hopeful that God can save anybody, even those who are far from him. It…
Romans 11:1-12 The church at Rome has become a majority-Gentile congregation, and they might be tempted by the anti-Jewish sentiment that exists among Romans to think that God has changed…
Romans 10:14-21 What it is that Christianity is all about and what God is doing in his world? Today’s passage answers those questions as Paul once again considers the gospel’s…
Romans 10:5-13 Paul shows us how God has graciously solved the problem of human sin, provided righteousness for the world, and laid out the terms by which all can be…
Romans 9:30-10:4 What we must do as we come to this text is look at ourselves and see if there is anything we are refusing to surrender that would keep…
Romans 9:14-19 The question we will consider today, then, is, why does God work this way and what does it tell us about his character? Can you trust a God…
Romans 9:6-13 If Israel’s story comes to fulfillment in Jesus, why are so many Jews not participating in the story? Not only is this an issue for Jewish believers, but…