Matthew 22:23-46 In this sermon, we look at the challenges concern marriage at the resurrection and the greatest commandment.[1] Each challenge comes from a different group, and each raises a…

Challenge and Response, Part 1

September 25, 2022
Matthew 22:1-22 After the parables, Israel’s religious leaders challenge Jesus once again. Various representative groups come to Jesus: Pharisees with Herodians, Sadducees, and Pharisees again, each raising a current issue…

Who Are the True People of God?

September 18, 2022
Matthew 21:23-46 In this passage, we see the religious leaders’ response to Jesus (v. 23 identifies religious leaders as listening to Jesus, and v. 45 identifies them as the target…
Revelation 21:1-8 Let’s consider the Bible’s description the new creation. Everything comes down to earth and now heaven and earth are remade (earthly and embodied). So, how does the Bible…

Symbolic Confrontation

August 21, 2022
Matthew 21:1-22 We begin to look at these final chapters of Matthew (which cover only one week), which begins with Jesus’ confrontation with Israel’s religious leaders. Like a prophet, Jesus…