Matthew 18:15-20 The three steps of “church discipline” are all oriented toward restoring unity among God’s people.
1 Peter 3:8-12 God saved us and established His church to be unified, in all we do and say, that we might have communion with Him.
Genesis 26:1-11 We must frequently rehearse the promises of God in His Word as we often are tempted by and repeat the same sins as in our past.
Genesis 25:19-34 Our focused prayer and personal priorities will have a real, and significant impact on our struggle between good and evil.
Genesis 25:12-18 God fully sees all people and things, and reveals to us what we need to know.
Genesis 25:1-11 Finishing well in our earthly covenant relationship with God may not always be easy, but when viewed eternally, will be more than worth it all.
Genesis 24 While Christ fully provides our salvation and glorification, the richness of our sanctification is affected by the fulness of our obedience.
Genesis 23:1-20 Finishing well involves everyday life, and the rest of life, as a whole.
Genesis 22:15-24 God’s promises of how and when He will bless us are better than the best this life can give us now.
Genesis 22:1-14 New Year’s Resolution: Live life in light of Christ’s sacrifice for us.