The Apostle John gives us three ways to know we have assurance of our salvation. God has given us salvation so we have confidence in Him. He will seek and…
Do you believe? What do you believe? In these passages, the Apostle John teaches about faith and its fruits - believing that Jesus is the Christ, loving God and carrying…
Do not believe everything you hear. Examine your teachers and see if they are speaking the truth. This passage teaches us that we must discern the truth and it teaches…
In this passage, John continues giving distinguishing marks of true believers. He shows us how to have assurance that we belong to God. True believers keep God’s commands and do…
What is it that sets Christians and the church apart from other social and community groups? In this passage, John argues that love for one another in the Christian community is…
In today’s passage, John is combatting the idea that a person’s actions do not reflect a person’s nature. When John says to the false teachers, “You’re unrighteous,” they respond, “No,…
Why does Paul tell the Corinthians that some of them are weak, sick and even fallen asleep because of their behavior connected with the Lord's Supper? As we look at…
What problem was Paul correcting when the Corinthian church gathered for the Lord's Table, and what might that look like in our church today?
David's kindness to Mephibosheth pictures God's grace towards sinners in Jesus. Gene Walters walks us through this text and highlights the many ways in which David's interactions with Mephibosheth highlight…