Signs for Unbelievers, Family for Believers
Matthew 12:38-50
Verse 38 and the demand for a sign constitutes a further objection to Jesus’ authority.[1] But instead of offering a sign now, Jesus offers only a future sign (v. 40) and escalates his claims of greatness—greater than Jonah (v. 41) and Solomon (v. 42).[2] In addition, he issues a further warning about the danger of Israel’s present rejection (see esp. v. 45 cf. vv. 30–32)[3] and concludes with an inclusive description of his true family (vv. 46–48). Essentially, this section presents us with warnings for unbelievers and family for believers.
[1] France, Matthew, NICNT.
[2] France, Matthew, NICNT.
[3] France, Matthew, NICNT.
Body of Christ, Holy Spirit, Signs, Unbelief