1 Peter 3:7 Husbands are to live with and love their wives in a Christ-like way.
Genesis 25:1-11 Finishing well in our earthly covenant relationship with God may not always be easy, but when viewed eternally, will be more than worth it all.
Genesis 24 While Christ fully provides our salvation and glorification, the richness of our sanctification is affected by the fulness of our obedience.
Genesis 23:1-20 Finishing well involves everyday life, and the rest of life, as a whole.
Genesis 22:15-24 God’s promises of how and when He will bless us are better than the best this life can give us now.
Genesis 22:1-14 New Year’s Resolution: Live life in light of Christ’s sacrifice for us.
Philippians 2:1-11 Christ submitted to being humbled, in anticipation of future glorification, as a model for us now, and an expectation for us later.
Isaiah 7:14-15; 9:6-7 Christ’s incarnation is a sign from God, given to create saving faith in those who long had the truth, and to give relief to those who did…
Deuteronomy 18:9-18 Jesus’ roles as our Prophet, Priest and King required His incarnation, that He might serve us and be glorified in all these offices.
Genesis 21:14-34 Seeing how God has so richly blessed us, we ought to seek the covert and overt blessing of others - including the unregenerate.