Genesis 17:1-8 As explained in His covenant with Abraham, through Christ God saw people of all nations walking before Him in perfect righteousness.
Genesis 16:7-16 Because of the person and work of Jesus Christ, God calls us to live by grace that enables obedience, rather than to live by law and our strength…
Genesis 16:1-6 The depth and breadth of our short-sightedness, cynicism, self-reliance and unkindness made it necessary God not rely on us for any of the regenerative work of our salvation…
Genesis 15:9-21 God confirms His covenant with us, giving us confidence He does all the work of salvation, enabling our works of obedience.
Genesis 15:1-8 Once God’s word becomes “the word of the LORD” to us, God gives us complete confidence He will keep His covenant to us.
Genesis 14:1-24 In all the social, political, financial, and personal complications of life, we should seek the greatest riches of being blessed by God and praising Him.
Genesis 13:5-18 Even in our disputes, we live out the Gospel of peace, placing ourselves in God’s good providence, and walking thru His promises for our encouragement.
Genesis 13:1-4 Biblical repentance for believers involves meeting God’s requirements to remember and again to return to the place where we can receive His rich rewards.
Genesis 9:18-29 Like Noah’s “vintner-ing” led to his falling down drunkenness, uncovered nakedness, and Ham’s sin, don’t let our good intentions, ideas, and actions lead us into sin.
Genesis 9:1-17 In His Law and Covenant, God has defined His relationship with man in both His holiness and mercy.