Genesis 8:6-22 While our times of waiting prepare our hearts to worship God for His promises kept, worshipping while we wait on His sure promises is all the better.
Genesis 7:17-8:5 God is responsible for all the small details and facts of our world. God is responsible for all the major events and circumstances of our lives.
Proverbs 31:1-31 The Proverbs 31 woman embraces her role as mother, wife, and God-fearer.
Genesis 5:28-6:8 Our situation on earth and God’s response from heaven show man’s need of God’s grace.
Genesis 4:17-5:32 After Adam’s sin, life continued, more and more showing our need for Christ.
Genesis 4:1-16 God will always be just in His dealings with us, and His mercy always comes through His justice applied to Christ, that His mercy might be given to…
1 Corinthians 15:21-22, 47-49 Federal headship: as Adam’s sin brought us all death, so Christ’s obedience brings us all eternal life through faith in His resurrection.
Mark 15:21-39 The events of Good Friday really happened. Our redemption was accomplished.
Genesis 3:14-24 Adam’s sin had many consequences and points all people to a great Redeemer.
Genesis 3:1-7 Satan works to undermine God’s Word in three ways: (1) its source, (2) its authority, and (3) its worth.