This second message on Philemon examines the bulk of the letter, focusing on Paul's counsel to Philemon regarding Onesimus.
This message introduces the book of Philemon, and addresses the topic of slavery in the Bible.
Tonight's message examines Christ's address to the church at Laodicea, which he describes as "lukewarm—neither hot nor cold."
Tonight's message examines Christ's address to the church at Philadelphia, whom Christ promises to "keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world."
Tonight's message examines Christ's address to the church at Sardis, which Christ describes as having a reputation of being alive but is actually dead.
Tonight's message examines Christ's address to the church at Thyatira, a church that was steadfast in faith and perseverance but also tolerated false teaching.
Tonight's message examines Christ's address to the church at Pergamum, a church that had experienced persecution but was also tolerating false teaching.