The Gospel Story of Our Reconciliation
Ephesians 2:11-22
Ephesians 2:11–22 tells a story of reconciliation. And, like the parable of the prodigal son, it tells the story of our reconciliation, both to God and to one another. Because of sin, humans find themselves alienated from God and from one another. But, as we considered last week, God is pursuing an eternal plan to put his fractured creation back together. God is “restor[ing] harmony to a universe that has come into chaos because of sin.”[1]
Well, how does that eternal plan come to pass in time? How has that plan been pursued throughout the history of the world, and how is it being pursued now? Today’s passage answers that question by telling the story of our reconciliation. And by listening to this story, we learn about God’s pursuing purposes in history and about how we can pursue reconciliation when we are alienated from others. So, let’s listen to this passage this morning and hear the story of our reconciliation.
[1] ZNIVSB on Eph 1:10.