Matthew 16:13-18 What is this thing, the church? In this sermon we look at God’s methods and purposes for the church.
Romans 15:1-13 We see from today’s verses that obeying Paul’s instructions puts us in line with what God is doing in the world. Paul here gives us a script on…
1 Timothy 3:14-16 In this passage, the Apostle Paul highlights the church’s stability, it is “the pillar and foundation of the truth” (3:15), and he highlights the church’s success with…
Matthew 16:13-20 In this passage, we see a confession of the identity of our Lord Jesus Christ. We learn that who the church says that Jesus is, has eternal significance.
Deuteronomy 32:1-4, 9-10 The Song of Moses shows us that our faithful God is devoted to his covenant people - to his church.
What I want to do today is highlight against the ongoing nature of the events between the first and second comings of Christ, leading ultimately to a final manifestation of…
As we come into Dan 9 today, we have read Daniel’s prayer for his people, specifically, for his nation, the people of Israel. Throughout the prayer he confesses their sins…
John tells the Christmas story differently from Matthew and Luke. He emphasizes the truth that is at the heart of Christmas: the appearance in history of God manifest in the…
At the end of chapter 2, we see that God will hold the whole world accountable for their sins and that we should trust God and not trust humans. In…
In this sermon from the Apostle Paul's letter to Titus, Pastor Winston shows us three reasons why God appoints qualified elders to govern his church. God appoints qualified elders to…