Genesis 25:12-18 God fully sees all people and things, and reveals to us what we need to know.
Genesis 25:1-11 Finishing well in our earthly covenant relationship with God may not always be easy, but when viewed eternally, will be more than worth it all.
Genesis 17:1-8 As explained in His covenant with Abraham, through Christ God saw people of all nations walking before Him in perfect righteousness.
Genesis 15:9-21 God confirms His covenant with us, giving us confidence He does all the work of salvation, enabling our works of obedience.
Genesis 9:1-17 In His Law and Covenant, God has defined His relationship with man in both His holiness and mercy.
Luke 2:21 In this passage we see Jesus’s first act of active obedience as a man under God’s law. We need a savior because we are law breakers. Jesus, the…
Zechariah 9:1-17 In this sermon, we see the contrast between the kings of the nations and the Great King, Jesus, the contrast between the man-made religions of the nations and…
Genesis 27:30-46 Blessing comes from grace, not merit. Mankind desires to be blessed by God.
Romans 3:1-8 Romans 3:1–8 shows us how God by his grace changes the evil fate of his disobedient people. At first glance, this passage can almost seem to be a…
The worship of God is not left to our imaginations. God reveals how and when we are to worship him. In today's sermon, we see Jeroboam's creation of a man-made…