Continuing in the book of Deuteronomy, Pastor Winston's sermon teaches about the God, whose commands remain relevant. The passage shows that God deserves our love and service. It also shows…
Tonight we start looking at the Book of Deuteronomy. This book bridges the time period from Numbers to Joshua. The books of the bible that follow Deuteronomy are interpreted in…
God requires holiness. Leviticus reveals how Israel will be different from the nations around them, the promises for obeying the covenant, warnings for disobedience. God will keep His vow, what…
Tonight we look at the remainder of the book of Exodus. He we see how God spells out the terms of His covenant in the moral, civil and ceremonial law.…
The transcendent God comes down to make a gracious covenant with Israel. This is one of the defining moments of the revelation of the Bible. This event shapes the remainder…
God brought plagues on Egypt to show that He is the one true God. The exodus of God's people from Egypt is the redemption event of the Old Testament. Exodus…
The second part of an overview of Exodus. We meet the God who reveals and promises. The God who sets Israel free, the saving, sovereign God. Title and outline based…
This sermon is the first In an overview of Exodus. In this sermons we learn about the God who fulfills His covenant promises, who sees and remembers His people, who…