Isaiah 7:14-15; 9:6-7 Christ’s incarnation is a sign from God, given to create saving faith in those who long had the truth, and to give relief to those who did…
Romans 6:1-8; Jeremiah 4:3-4 Physical circumcision of the flesh always pictured spiritual circumcision of the heart, and in the New Testament, was replaced with physical, water baptism. Water baptism pictured…

Devoted to the Prayers

February 18, 2024
Acts 2:42; Matthew 21:20-22 Devoting ourselves to prayer involves learning of it from the Old Testament, and following Christ’s commands, detailed out by the Apostles’ teaching on prayer.

Daniel 6:1-28

January 21, 2024
Daniel 6:1-28 Daniel’s trial of the lion’s den shows us the sinful pride of King Darius, Daniel’s faith, and God’s sovereignty.

Luke 2:21

December 10, 2023
Luke 2:21 In this passage we see Jesus’s first act of active obedience as a man under God’s law. We need a savior because we are law breakers. Jesus, the…


June 18, 2023
Hebrews 4:1-13 Why fear God or heed his warnings? Do you sometimes feel like quitting? This sermon will explain why our attempts to find rest outside of Jesus don’t work.