Isaiah 7:14-15; 9:6-7 Christ’s incarnation is a sign from God, given to create saving faith in those who long had the truth, and to give relief to those who did…
Romans 6:1-8; Jeremiah 4:3-4 Physical circumcision of the flesh always pictured spiritual circumcision of the heart, and in the New Testament, was replaced with physical, water baptism. Water baptism pictured…
Genesis 15:1-8 Once God’s word becomes “the word of the LORD” to us, God gives us complete confidence He will keep His covenant to us.
2 Peter 1:10-11 In this sermon we look at being saved and knowing it.
Acts 2:42; Matthew 21:20-22 Devoting ourselves to prayer involves learning of it from the Old Testament, and following Christ’s commands, detailed out by the Apostles’ teaching on prayer.
Daniel 6:1-28 Daniel’s trial of the lion’s den shows us the sinful pride of King Darius, Daniel’s faith, and God’s sovereignty.
Luke 2:21 In this passage we see Jesus’s first act of active obedience as a man under God’s law. We need a savior because we are law breakers. Jesus, the…
Mark 4:35-41 Mark’s aim is to show us who Christ is. His is God’s son, who is God the Son, the Messiah. He rules over the forces of nature. He…
James 1:5-8 This passage in the Book of James shows us a way to increase godly wisdom.
Hebrews 4:1-13 Why fear God or heed his warnings? Do you sometimes feel like quitting? This sermon will explain why our attempts to find rest outside of Jesus don’t work.