The gospel and a Gospel

January 13, 2019
The gospel connects to every aspect of our Christian life. What is the gospel? In this first sermon in the series on the Gospel of Mark, Pastor Winston asks two…

Finish Well

October 14, 2018
The Apostle Paul uses a race as a metaphor for the Christian life. This passage says we are to run with endurance the race set before us. In this sermon…

Jesus, the Bread of Life

September 16, 2018
Jesus said he is the bread of life. Jesus promises eternal life to all those who believe in him. Pastor Winston looks at Jesus's promise from two angles. First, humans…
The Apostle Paul starts to develop what it means to be spiritually free: believers are free from the condemnation of the law; believers are free from the doctrines of men.…
From the Gospel of Mark, we see how Jesus Christ compassionately receives those who come to him in faith, how He mercifully cleanses us, and how - at great cost…