Genesis 25:1-11 Finishing well in our earthly covenant relationship with God may not always be easy, but when viewed eternally, will be more than worth it all.
Isaiah 40:1-11 In this passage today, the promises God makes here come to their fullest fulfillment in the coming of Jesus Christ, and the forerunner, John, who announced his coming.…
Romans 11:25-36 The theme of mercy becomes the controlling idea that continues to humble us as God’s people and drives us to give him praise. This theme emerged early in…
Romans 9:14-19 The question we will consider today, then, is, why does God work this way and what does it tell us about his character? Can you trust a God…
Romans 9:6-13 If Israel’s story comes to fulfillment in Jesus, why are so many Jews not participating in the story? Not only is this an issue for Jewish believers, but…
Romans 3:1-8 Romans 3:1–8 shows us how God by his grace changes the evil fate of his disobedient people. At first glance, this passage can almost seem to be a…
Hebrews 10:19-25 There are different kinds of confidence – confidence in the world, self-confidence, and Christian confidence. In this passage we look at Christian confidence and why it is different.
Psalm 145:1–21 Let’s look at Ps 145 and discover why we should be characterized by praise. The Psalms as a whole have shown us how to live as God’s holy…
The theme of waiting on God is particularly relevant today as we gather online, and listen for God to speak to us through his Word in these unusual and trying…
Thus far, God’s covenant with Israel has primarily resulted in judgment due to their unfaithfulness, but now the covenant will result in their salvation due to God’s faithfulness. The central…