So far Jeremiah’s ministry has emphasized four actions: uprooting, tearing down, destroying and overthrowing. But after twenty-nine chapters of warning about judgment, chs. 30–33 have a noticeably greater emphasis on…
In part two of this topic, we look at Satan's strategy and how we can resist temptation.
In this sermon we continue to see how God rejects syncretism and how it brought judgement to the Israel and Judah. We see prophets arise to prosecute God's claims. Pastor…
This sermon concludes the overview of the books of 1 & 2 Samuel. In this sermon we see that God judges and yet protects David. We see that God is…
In this sermon, Pastor Winston teaches about God's covenant that he made with David. We see God's faithfulness to his promise to David that culminates in Jesus Christ. Title and…
This sermon continues looking at the books of Samuel. God humbles Saul and exalts and protects David. We see how God brings David to power. God used man's evil actions…
This sermon looks at the transition of Israel from a confederation of tribes to a national monarchy. God, in his anger, gives Israel a king - King Saul. Pastor Winston…
The Old Testament survey continues in the book of Joshua. Here we see that God fights for His people, Israel, and give them their land. Then we see that God…
What kind of king is Jesus? This passage in John shows us the Jesus is the promised king, the unexpected king, the rejected king and the triumphant king.
The overview of the book of Deuteronomy is continued. We see how Moses calls the people of Israel to obey the Lord when they enter the promised land. We see…