Psalm 45:1-17

January 14, 2024
Psalm 45:1-17 This Psalm is a type and shadow of the wedding of Jesus Christ and his church. We should forsake all and worship the God-man, our husband and king.

Daniel 4:28-37

January 7, 2024
Daniel 4:28-37 In this sermon we see the sovereignty and righteousness of God. We also see how God humbles the proud but give grace to the humble.

Psalm 67

September 24, 2023
Psalm 67:1-7 We cannot help but share what excites us. In this Psalm, the psalmist shares an excitement of God’s blessings that leads to great praise.

Romans 1:18-23

August 20, 2023
Romans 1:18-23 Some who claim to believe in God don’t believe in his holiness. God is a God of grace, love, and holiness wrath and justice. Do you take God’s…

Daniel 2:1-13

August 6, 2023
Daniel 2:1-13 In this passage we see the hostility of Nebuchadnezzar. This is God’s kingdom and there are certain things only God can do.