Daniel 2:1-13 In this passage we see the hostility of Nebuchadnezzar. This is God’s kingdom and there are certain things only God can do.
Daniel 1:8-21 In this sermon we see how Daniel resolved to not defile himself, but because he had confidence that God would act, he remained faithful and obedient.
Romans 16:25-27 In this sermon, Pastor Winston leaves us with some final thoughts on the greatness of the gospel.
Romans 16:1-16 Paul greets a number of people, the longest list of greetings, in fact, in all of his letters, who exhibit the characteristics he praised at the end of…
Romans 14:1-12 As you can tell from the reading of the passage, the Christians at Rome were “quarreling over disputable matters” (v. 1). One group of people was treating the…
Isaiah 9:1-7 Through Isaiah, God again promises to deliver his people and gives us reasons to celebrate God’s goodness and mercy. At the same time, by using a child to…
Romans 11:13-24 This passage becomes another reminder of the way the gospel works. It makes us hopeful that God can save anybody, even those who are far from him. It…
Romans 11:1-12 The church at Rome has become a majority-Gentile congregation, and they might be tempted by the anti-Jewish sentiment that exists among Romans to think that God has changed…
Romans 10:5-13 Paul shows us how God has graciously solved the problem of human sin, provided righteousness for the world, and laid out the terms by which all can be…
Romans 9:14-19 The question we will consider today, then, is, why does God work this way and what does it tell us about his character? Can you trust a God…