The affection that Paul displays for this congregation should be imitated by pastors and elders who spiritually lead a congregation. And the Christian virtues that Paul highlights among the Thessalonians…
If you were to ask Peter, “How do God’s grace and human effort work together,” he would likely refer you to this passage. Here Peter insists on the necessity and…
Today, we begin to explore Jesus’ first answer: when will the temple be destroyed? I will argue that this prophecy was fulfilled when the Romans destroyed the Jerusalem temple in…
As we come to the height of our Advent season, let us answer this question, What is Christmas all about? Why do we celebrate this holiday, and what is at…
What does it means for God to be for his people? What benefits does God give us in the gospel, and how do we enjoy them? Furthermore, what might diminish…
In part two, Pastor Winston looks at the second difference between John's baptism and Christian baptism. John’s baptism did not replace circumcision, and was required even of those who were…
The Bible tells that we are dead in our trespasses and sins. In this sermon, Steve Wearden shows us how God in his mercy and love saves us from his…
Is worship worth it or do we worship in vain? Pastor Winston looks at Psalm 73. It shows Asaph's struggle when he saw the prosperity of the wicked. When Asaph…
The Apostle Paul closes his letter to the Galatians with one more look at the contrast between the true gospel and the false gospel. In this sermon, Pastor Winston looks…
This sermon continues the overview of 1 Samuel. We look at the relation between Israel and the nations around them, the people's desire to be like the other nations and…