Obedient Love

September 22, 2024
John 14:28-31 Why did Jesus come to earth? Jesus came so that we would know that Jesus loved the Father so much that he couldn’t not obey the Father’s request.

1 Thessalonians 5:14-15

November 5, 2023
1 Thessalonians 5:14-15 We are called to be Christ’s representatives to a lost and dying world. How do we interact with one another? What should our conduct be towards other…

Two Debtors

September 17, 2023
Luke 7:36-50 In this passage, Jesus has an appointment with a woman who needs to show her love and a man who needs to see his sin.

Romans 1:18-23

August 20, 2023
Romans 1:18-23 Some who claim to believe in God don’t believe in his holiness. God is a God of grace, love, and holiness wrath and justice. Do you take God’s…

The Heart and the World

August 6, 2023
Genesis 4:1-8; Matthew 5:21-26 Jesus shows us his authority as he teaches that sin starts in the heart. Divine love comes from a changed heart.

Faith Is the Victory

February 12, 2023
1 John 5:1-12 John develops one of the central messages of his letter: the importance of the object of our faith. He first discusses faith itself and its fruits (vv.…