John 21:1-14 Jesus teaches his disciples (an us) that the mission is to be fishers of men.
Deuteronomy 6:1-15, Matthew 28:16-20 In this sermon, we look at an astounding claim, an astounding commission, and an astounding command.
John 20:11-23 In this passage, we find the disciples hiding in a locked room “for fear of the Jewish leaders” (v. 19). Mary remains at the tomb weeping (v .11).…
Romans 10:14-21 What it is that Christianity is all about and what God is doing in his world? Today’s passage answers those questions as Paul once again considers the gospel’s…
Matthew 28:16-20 Jesus gave directions to the church. Are we remembering our marching orders? Church planting is the ordinary. We can’t separate the church from its mission. In this sermon…
1 Timothy 3:14-16 In this passage, the Apostle Paul highlights the church’s stability, it is “the pillar and foundation of the truth” (3:15), and he highlights the church’s success with…
Matthew 10 In this part of our discussion of Matthew 10, we look at how we are to respond to opposition. Jesus gives us warnings and encouragement. Jesus equips his…
Matthew 10 This chapter may first seem distant because some of the statements relate specifically to the disciple’s initial preaching tour (vv. 5b–6, 9–10). But others indicate a further mission…
Matthew 10 This chapter may first seem distant because some of the statements relate specifically to the disciple’s initial preaching tour (vv. 5b–6, 9–10). But others indicate a further mission…