John 4:1-30,39-42 What do we need for life? How are we going to find it? Jesus answers these questions in this passage.
2 Corinthians 4:13-5:10 In part 2, Paul continues that focus on affliction by answering an assumed question: Why would someone persevere in a calling characterized by suffering?[1] Let’s pursue that…
Romans 8:28-39 With this conclusion, Paul not only brings Rom 8 to a close, but he concludes the whole section of Rom 5–8, which began with Paul promising us that…
2 Thessalonians 2:13-16 As we look at this passage, we see the encouragement of God’s people and the invincible work of God.
Hebrews 5:1-10 As humans, we are tempted to try to fix our relationship with God on our own. The thought that we need a mediator to go between us and…
Sometimes the gospel seems too good to be true. In the passage, In this passage we see how the Apostle Paul addresses the things we sometimes doubt.
The Apostle Paul uses a race as a metaphor for the Christian life. This passage says we are to run with endurance the race set before us. In this sermon…
Why must we help one another walk in the spirit? This passage in Galatians teaches two more reasons why. First, because we will give an account to God and second,…
This passage contains a warning. You cannot remain in the middle or "tread water" in Christianity. You have to go forward in the faith. These verses show us that only…
What would it take to make you give up your Christianity? When you encounter persecution for your faith, what do you draw on for your strength? Pastor Winston teaches us…