There You Go Again!

November 17, 2024
Genesis 20:1-18 Mankind’s sins of ignorance, and Christian’s sins of intentionality show the need of a perfect mediator and intercessor.

Devoted to the Prayers

February 18, 2024
Acts 2:42; Matthew 21:20-22 Devoting ourselves to prayer involves learning of it from the Old Testament, and following Christ’s commands, detailed out by the Apostles’ teaching on prayer.

Symbolic Confrontation

August 21, 2022
Matthew 21:1-22 We begin to look at these final chapters of Matthew (which cover only one week), which begins with Jesus’ confrontation with Israel’s religious leaders. Like a prophet, Jesus…

A War of Words

July 24, 2022
Psalm 64:1-10 In this sermon, we see from Psalm 64 how we can tear people down with words and how we can encourage people with words.