Genesis 25:19-34 Our focused prayer and personal priorities will have a real, and significant impact on our struggle between good and evil.
Genesis 20:1-18 Mankind’s sins of ignorance, and Christian’s sins of intentionality show the need of a perfect mediator and intercessor.
Acts 2:42; Matthew 21:20-22 Devoting ourselves to prayer involves learning of it from the Old Testament, and following Christ’s commands, detailed out by the Apostles’ teaching on prayer.
Acts 2:41-47 What is the four-fold mission of the church? This passage in the Book of Acts explains what it is.
Philippians 4:4-9 In this passage, the Apostle Paul tells us to rejoice. What does joy mean? What are obstacles to joy?
James 1:5-8 This passage in the Book of James shows us a way to increase godly wisdom.
Romans 15:14-33 Look closely at what Paul says here and to see that when Paul gives us his travel plans, he’s giving us more than just an itinerary. You see,…
Matthew 21:1-22 We begin to look at these final chapters of Matthew (which cover only one week), which begins with Jesus’ confrontation with Israel’s religious leaders. Like a prophet, Jesus…
Romans 8:18-27 Paul emphasizes how the Spirit carries us and brings us to our final destination. There are points in our journey where we can’t see what’s coming next, and…
Psalm 64:1-10 In this sermon, we see from Psalm 64 how we can tear people down with words and how we can encourage people with words.