Up from Egypt

July 14, 2024
Genesis 13:1-4 Biblical repentance for believers involves meeting God’s requirements to remember and again to return to the place where we can receive His rich rewards.

Psalm 50

November 19, 2023
Psalm 50:1-23 You punish your children because you love them. God judges his people because he loves them. In this sermon we see how God judges his people differently than…

The Prodigal Son

May 14, 2023
Luke 15:11-32 As we look at this parable, consider which character you align with. Do you align with the prodigal son or with the older brother? Or are you trying…

Jonah, Part 4

July 3, 2022
Jonah 3:1-10 In this passage we see the mercy of God toward a pagan, idol-worshipping nation and the mercy of God toward Jonah. We learn that we need to show…

Jonah, Part 3

June 26, 2022
Jonah 1:17-2:10 In this passage we see the Lord’s mercy in distress, in hope and in victory.

Responses to Jesus

March 13, 2022
Matthew 11:20-30 Chapters 11–12 provide examples of people who respond in different ways to Jesus the Messiah (positive, negative, and somewhat confused [John the Baptist]).[1] Not only that, but chs.…