Genesis 5:28-6:8 Our situation on earth and God’s response from heaven show man’s need of God’s grace.
Genesis 2:1-17 God’s assignment of work to Adam, His amazing supply, and hallowing of rest pictures our salvation by resting in Christ alone.
Hebrews 4:1-13 Why fear God or heed his warnings? Do you sometimes feel like quitting? This sermon will explain why our attempts to find rest outside of Jesus don’t work.
Matthew 11:20-30 Chapters 11–12 provide examples of people who respond in different ways to Jesus the Messiah (positive, negative, and somewhat confused [John the Baptist]).[1] Not only that, but chs.…
You might have certain spiritual needs that you don’t know about. Maybe it’s a certain pace of life or even Christian service that you’re trying to maintain, and you’ve become…
In part two, Pastor Winston shows us from Psalm 95 how right worship leads to right living. What is right living? Right living involves reverence for God, repentance before God…