Genesis 3:1-7 Satan works to undermine God’s Word in three ways: (1) its source, (2) its authority, and (3) its worth.
Today, we look at the last verses in which Paul highlights how God is at work among us to accomplish the goals for the church (vv. 23–28). As a church,…
Paul concludes this letter by outlining his goals for the church and how the church can accomplish its goals. This is where the church is, this is how God is…
Why did the Sadducees reject the resurrection? Jesus said the it was because they did no know the scriptures. Jesus goes back to the Book of Exodus to make his…
When we worship, we fill the worship service with God's word from beginning to end. In this sermon Pastor Winston shows us from 1 Timothy that the elements of worship…
How do we know what to do in worship? Scripture must authorize how we worship. Scripture has authorized how we worship. The whole worship service is worship according to God’s…
Tonight we start looking at the Book of Deuteronomy. This book bridges the time period from Numbers to Joshua. The books of the bible that follow Deuteronomy are interpreted in…
Psalm 1 teaches that true happiness, or blessedness, is a gift from God to those who delight in Him. It teaches what the blessed man does not do and what…
What does it mean when we use the word, God? What does the Bible teach about the person of Christ and the Holy Trinity? The Nicene Creed summarizes what we…
The Apostle Paul emphasizes the right use of God's Word in the church, which eliminates false teaching. The Apostle also teaches how the Scriptures transform sinners through God's grace and…