There You Go Again!

November 17, 2024
Genesis 20:1-18 Mankind’s sins of ignorance, and Christian’s sins of intentionality show the need of a perfect mediator and intercessor.
Genesis 9:18-29 Like Noah’s “vintner-ing” led to his falling down drunkenness, uncovered nakedness, and Ham’s sin, don’t let our good intentions, ideas, and actions lead us into sin.
Genesis 4:1-16 God will always be just in His dealings with us, and His mercy always comes through His justice applied to Christ, that His mercy might be given to…

Romans 6:1-14; Matthew 1:18-26

December 24, 2023
Romans 6:1-14; Matthew 1:18-26 The crux of Christmas is the hope of Jesus Christ. Jesus came to save his people from their sins. If we’ve died to sin, in Christ,…