Genesis 26:1-11 We must frequently rehearse the promises of God in His Word as we often are tempted by and repeat the same sins as in our past.
Genesis 23:1-20 Finishing well involves everyday life, and the rest of life, as a whole.
John 17:6-19 In Jesus’s prayer we learn about the great privilege we have, to be a child of God.
2 Kings 3:4-14 We should turn to God in trust, all the time but especially during trials.
Hebrews 11:39-12:3 The Christian life is not an easy task. How shall we live a Christian life? In this sermon we see that it is like a race. Let us…
Proverbs 3:5-6 In this passage we see that trusting the Lord can minimize the detours in our lives.
Mark 4:35-41 This sermon looks at how the disciples focused on their circumstances rather than trusting what Jesus said.
Psalm 3:1-8 This Psalm shows us that we should have confidence in the Lord’s power to deliver us from trouble.
Mark 4:35-41 In this passage we see Jesus’ power, a power that even creation bows to. When we are suffering, why don’t we trust Christ? Why do we trust Christ?…
John 14:1-14 After Jesus tells his disciples that he will be leaving them, he gives the disciples four reasons why they can trust him. All four reasons are based on…