Genesis 14:1-24 In all the social, political, financial, and personal complications of life, we should seek the greatest riches of being blessed by God and praising Him.
Genesis 13:5-18 Even in our disputes, we live out the Gospel of peace, placing ourselves in God’s good providence, and walking thru His promises for our encouragement.
Genesis 13:1-4 Biblical repentance for believers involves meeting God’s requirements to remember and again to return to the place where we can receive His rich rewards.
Genesis 8:6-22 While our times of waiting prepare our hearts to worship God for His promises kept, worshipping while we wait on His sure promises is all the better.
Genesis 4:17-5:32 After Adam’s sin, life continued, more and more showing our need for Christ.
Daniel 2:46-3:7 Nebuchadnezzar had a religious experience but there was no conversion. This sermon explores the importance of conversion.
Romans 15:1-13 We see from today’s verses that obeying Paul’s instructions puts us in line with what God is doing in the world. Paul here gives us a script on…
Romans 11:25-36 The theme of mercy becomes the controlling idea that continues to humble us as God’s people and drives us to give him praise. This theme emerged early in…
Matthew 28:16-20 Jesus gave directions to the church. Are we remembering our marching orders? Church planting is the ordinary. We can’t separate the church from its mission. In this sermon…
Psalm 97:1-12 Psalm 97 gives us reasons to rejoice in our God. Perhaps you can think of areas of your life where God’s reign doesn’t seem very real, or maybe…