









Here you’ll find sermons preached at Roebuck Presbyterian. Click on the sermon title to go to the page for the individual sermon—where you can download the sermon and find descriptions, bulletins, sermon notes, and related sermons.

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Sunday Morning

Genesis 14:1-24 In all the social, political, financial, and personal complications of life, we should seek the greatest riches of being blessed by God and praising Him.
Genesis 13:5-18 Even in our disputes, we live out the Gospel of peace, placing ourselves in God’s good providence, and walking thru His promises for our encouragement.

Up from Egypt

July 14, 2024
Genesis 13:1-4 Biblical repentance for believers involves meeting God’s requirements to remember and again to return to the place where we can receive His rich rewards.
2 Peter 1:10-11 In this sermon we look at being saved and knowing it.
Genesis 9:18-29 Like Noah’s “vintner-ing” led to his falling down drunkenness, uncovered nakedness, and Ham’s sin, don’t let our good intentions, ideas, and actions lead us into sin.

Law and Covenant

June 2, 2024
Genesis 9:1-17 In His Law and Covenant, God has defined His relationship with man in both His holiness and mercy.
Genesis 8:6-22 While our times of waiting prepare our hearts to worship God for His promises kept, worshipping while we wait on His sure promises is all the better.
Genesis 7:17-8:5 God is responsible for all the small details and facts of our world. God is responsible for all the major events and circumstances of our lives.

Proverbs 31 Woman

May 12, 2024
Proverbs 31:1-31 The Proverbs 31 woman embraces her role as mother, wife, and God-fearer.
Genesis 5:28-6:8 Our situation on earth and God’s response from heaven show man’s need of God’s grace.

Sunday Evening

2 Corinthians 4:13-5:10 In part 2, Paul continues that focus on affliction by answering an assumed question: Why would someone persevere in a calling characterized by suffering?[1] Let’s pursue that…
2 Corinthians 4:1-12 What constitutes an authentic ministry? What are “the dynamics that mark a ministry as authentic”?[1] Paul has been answering that question since 2:14 and gives us the…
2 Corinthians 3:4-18 In this sermon, our emphasis is on how Paul develops that idea for the practical reason of once again demonstrating the nature of an authentic ministry. For…
2 Corinthians 2:16b-3:3 In the verses we looked at last time (2:14–16a), Paul highlighted the positive and negative effects of the gospel. Paul participates in Christ’s victory parade, spreading the…
Psalm 30:1-12 Does suffering cause apathy or joy? In this sermon we see that suffering brings joyous deliverance after it brings us low. Also, we see that suffering will not…
2 Corinthians 2:12-17 Paul gives one more practical explanation before launching into a longer discussion of what it means to have an authentic ministry. In doing so, he transitions us…
2 Corinthians 2:1-17 Let’s continue our exploration of 2 Corinthians (and learn a few things about forgiveness along the way) by considering these further reasons why Paul changed his travel…
2 Corinthians 1:15-2:4 Paul moves from defending his integrity in general to defending it in a specific instance: why he changed previously announced travel plans.[1] This change has caused some…
2 Corinthians 1:3-7 In these opening verses, Paul introduces the key theme of “God’s redemption of suffering,”[1] how our suffering can result in good for ourselves and others. Paul doesn’t…
2 Corinthians 1:1-2 In this sermon, we look at the opening of Paul’s letter to the Corinthians. It is a normal letter opening in Paul’s day but shaped to reflect…