

Here you’ll find sermons preached at Roebuck Presbyterian. Click on the sermon title to go to the page for the individual sermon—where you can download the sermon and find descriptions, bulletins, sermon notes, and related sermons.

Acts 10:34-43 What is the message of Christmas? It is that God welcomes sinners. Today, let’s look at this summary of the Savior’s ministry in order to better under the…
Matthew 11:1-19 How do we prepare for Christmas in its truest sense? What kind of thoughts fill your mind as you enter this season of the year, and how might…

Accusations Silenced

November 21, 2021
Zechariah 3:1-10 In this vision, Joshua, the high priest, stands before God with filthy clothes. At Joshua’s right hand stands Satan, eager to accuse him. How does this scene play…
Hebrews 11:1-16 The Bible presents us with a list of people who faced unbelief but lived by faith in the promises of God. We find a catalogue of these people…
Hebrews 9:6-14 Today’s passage, like the two we have previously considered from Hebrews, contrasts the worship of the old tabernacle system with Christ, the great high priest. But not only…
Hebrews 7:23-28 This week’s passage focuses more on how Christ is greater than the OT high priests, and on how he accomplishes the salvation that the old ministry anticipated. This…
Hebrews 5:1-10 As humans, we are tempted to try to fix our relationship with God on our own. The thought that we need a mediator to go between us and…
Revelation 7:9-17 One day, the whole church triumphant will be assembled in heaven to experience perfectly what we have only begun to taste on earth. But until that day, the…
Ephesians 4:1-16 Today, we want to answer the question, what does unity look like? What images does this passage give us to help us conceive of unity practically? How can…
Ephesians 4:1-16 Unity is not a pipe-dream but is a reality that Christ is working to produce among his people on the basis of his finished work. Because Jesus lived,…
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In this sermon we look at how God acts to restore and renew his worship. We also look at how the promises God makes to Israel begin to be restored…
In chapters 25-32, we learn that God is present to judge the nations. Ezekiel tells us of particular sins that bring the judgement. Two of them are mistreatment of God's…
Why did the Sadducees reject the resurrection? Jesus said the it was because they did no know the scriptures. Jesus goes back to the Book of Exodus to make his…

Praise God

January 5, 2020
In Psalm 113, we see that God commands us to praise him, he tells us the manner in which to praise him and reasons to praise him.
In chapters 4-24, we see that God is present to judge his people. Ezekiel fulfills his function of bringing God's reasons for judgment to the people. In Ezekiel we see…
God’s purposes through both judgment and restoration is for his people to know him. Some version of the phrase “they will know that I am the LORD” occurs about sixty-five…
In this message, Pastor Winston looks at the final chapters of Jeremiah. Here we see the realization of the Lord's judgment - God keeping his word. We see God pronouncing…
Thus far, God’s covenant with Israel has primarily resulted in judgment due to their unfaithfulness, but now the covenant will result in their salvation due to God’s faithfulness. The central…
So far Jeremiah’s ministry has emphasized four actions: uprooting, tearing down, destroying and overthrowing. But after twenty-nine chapters of warning about judgment, chs. 30–33 have a noticeably greater emphasis on…
Jeremiah proclaimed the words entrusted to him. In doing so he has apparently won few if any converts, has wrestled with his own relationship to Yahweh and has encountered strong…
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Song of Christmas
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Nicene Creed
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