

Here you’ll find sermons preached at Roebuck Presbyterian. Click on the sermon title to go to the page for the individual sermon—where you can download the sermon and find descriptions, bulletins, sermon notes, and related sermons.

John 20:11-23 In this passage, we find the disciples hiding in a locked room “for fear of the Jewish leaders” (v. 19). Mary remains at the tomb weeping (v .11).…

The Coming King

April 2, 2023
Zechariah 9:1-17 In this sermon, we see the contrast between the kings of the nations and the Great King, Jesus, the contrast between the man-made religions of the nations and…
John 13:1-17 Today’s passage is a story about getting dirty and about getting clean. And it’s full of instructions and applications. But before Jesus teaches us the lesson, he first…
John 12:20-36 Let us to look at this passage to gain a fresh appreciation for Christ’s work on our behalf, and to be drawn to follow and serve Jesus with…

Jesus, the Bread of Life

March 12, 2023
John 6:25-58 The Bible is full of stories like this where God mercifully satisfies us with the things we really need, and John 6 brings that out in this discourse…
Romans 16:17-27 Despite the back-and-forth nature of the end to this letter, one idea comes through, and it’s the same idea that’s shone throughout the whole letter: the gospel, which…
Romans 16:1-16 Paul greets a number of people, the longest list of greetings, in fact, in all of his letters, who exhibit the characteristics he praised at the end of…
Romans 16:1-16 This list of names actually functions as a window into the work of the gospel. Just as we considered last week with Paul’s travel plans, so here we…
Romans 15:14-33 Look closely at what Paul says here and to see that when Paul gives us his travel plans, he’s giving us more than just an itinerary. You see,…
Romans 15:1-13 We see from today’s verses that obeying Paul’s instructions puts us in line with what God is doing in the world. Paul here gives us a script on…
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Matthew 13:53-58 As we come to chapters 14–18, we see that division continuing to intensify. The hostility to Jesus will only grow as he journeys closer to Jerusalem (cf. 16:21).…
Psalm 23:1-6 We look at a familiar Psalm and see God's grace in the past, the present and the future.

The Kingdom Parables

May 1, 2022
Matthew 13:1-52 Matthew 13 contains eight parables. These parables present big ideas that highlight the contrast between those who follow Jesus and those who do not. They illustrate this growing…
Matthew 12:38-50 Verse 38 and the demand for a sign constitutes a further objection to Jesus’ authority.[1] But instead of offering a sign now, Jesus offers only a future sign…

Christ Our Advocate

April 10, 2022
1 John 2:1-2 Jesus is the advocate and the atonement that we need.
Matthew 12:22-37 The true Jesus shines in his authority (as the crowds begin to perceive) and elicits a hostile response from those who are determined to oppose him (Pharisees). Let’s…

Losing Sight of God

March 20, 2022
Matthew 12:1-21 In Jesus’ dispute with the Pharisees in Matt. 12, we’re given great insight into the things that God cares about. And these principles, these ideas, are the standard…

Responses to Jesus

March 13, 2022
Matthew 11:20-30 Chapters 11–12 provide examples of people who respond in different ways to Jesus the Messiah (positive, negative, and somewhat confused [John the Baptist]).[1] Not only that, but chs.…
Matthew 10 In this part of our discussion of Matthew 10, we look at how we are to respond to opposition. Jesus gives us warnings and encouragement. Jesus equips his…
Matthew 10 This chapter may first seem distant because some of the statements relate specifically to the disciple’s initial preaching tour (vv. 5b–6, 9–10). But others indicate a further mission…
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Song of Christmas
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Nicene Creed
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