April 24, 2022

How Does Christ’s Work Change Us?

Passage: Romans 3:21-26
Service Type:

Romans 3:21-26

In this passage, Paul is going to give us a lot of truth. He’s going to explain the significance of the work of Christ and how it relates to history, sin, the Old Testament, you and me, and more. He’s going to show how the bad news of God’s wrath makes the good news of the gospel so good. He’s going to shine a spotlight on all the changes that the cross achieves [world changing history].

But not only will Paul highlight the changes the cross achieves in history, he will also hint at how the cross changes you and me. There is deep, rich theology here, but there are also practical, life-changing truths. Therefore, let’s give our attention today to this paragraph, and bring the truth to bear on how we live every day, by answering the question, How does Jesus’ work change us?

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