October 24, 2021

God Plans and Provides Our Salvation and Perseverance

Passage: Hebrews 5:1-10
Service Type:

Hebrews 5:1-10

As humans, we are tempted to try to fix our relationship with God on our own. The thought that we need a mediator to go between us and God may seem offensive and old-fashioned. But this passage shows us why having a mediator is a good thing! On the other hand, as Christians we may grasp the idea that we are alienated from God by our sin but may not grasp the idea that God is merciful and sympathetic and has bridged the gap by becoming one of us. Finally, we need to see that in Jesus’ suffering and perseverance he has provided the grace we need to be able to persevere when we are tried. For all of these reasons and more, then, let’s look at this passage this morning which shows us that God plans and provides our salvation and perseverance.

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