From the Gospel of Mark, we see how Jesus Christ compassionately receives those who come to him in faith, how He mercifully cleanses us, and how - at great cost…
Paul shows from the Old Testament how the people of God were not to seek to obtain their own righteousness from trying to obey the law but that they were…
What constitutes your identity? This sermon show us that either we are trying to build our own identity or we find our identity in Christ. When we find that we…
In this sermon, we see the Apostle Paul's prayer for Israel's salvation. In this prayer we see that Israel was trying to obtain a right standing before God by trying…
In this sermon, Pastor Winston shows from the Apostle Paul's letter how the covenant that God made with Moses does not annul the covenant God made with Abraham. He shows…
In this passage, the Apostle Paul appeals to the scriptures in the Old Testament to show that a right standing before God has always come by faith - trusting in…
Why was Israel separated from God? Israel was trying to get their righteousness by keeping the law. They were not seeking it by faith. Why can't the law bring righteousness?…
Faith starts our Christian life. Is faith enough to finish the Christian life, or must we add our works to faith? The Apostle Paul teaches that we start, and finish,…
The overview of the book of Deuteronomy is continued. We see how Moses calls the people of Israel to obey the Lord when they enter the promised land. We see…
I part two, we look at two more reasons why we need to hear the true gospel of Jesus Christ.