Psalm 45:1-17

January 14, 2024
Psalm 45:1-17 This Psalm is a type and shadow of the wedding of Jesus Christ and his church. We should forsake all and worship the God-man, our husband and king.

Daniel 4:28-37

January 7, 2024
Daniel 4:28-37 In this sermon we see the sovereignty and righteousness of God. We also see how God humbles the proud but give grace to the humble.

To Live Is Christ

February 20, 2022
Philippians 1:19-26 In this passage we learn that whether we or die, Christ Is to be glorified. The chief end of life is to gain Christ.

The Wonder of the Incarnation

December 28, 2020
We think that we are living in unprecedented times but when Jesus was born, those were unprecedented times. Jesus, the Word who is God, became flesh and dwelt among us.…

The Christmas Story

December 13, 2020
The passage we are considering this evening is perhaps the best-known Christmas passage in the Bible. It tells the simple story of the Savior’s humble birth in Bethlehem (2:1–7) and…