1 Peter 2:1-12

August 13, 2023
1 Peter 2:1-12 How do we live as foreigners in this culture? What does it mean to be a spiritual stone and to be being built into a spiritual house?

The Transfiguration

May 21, 2023
Luke 9:28-36 We’ve been given the privilege of listening in on a conversation about God and his Son. This passage is usually called the Transfiguration, and it challenge us to…

The Prodigal Son

May 14, 2023
Luke 15:11-32 As we look at this parable, consider which character you align with. Do you align with the prodigal son or with the older brother? Or are you trying…

Jesus, the Bread of Life

March 12, 2023
John 6:25-58 The Bible is full of stories like this where God mercifully satisfies us with the things we really need, and John 6 brings that out in this discourse…

Faith Is the Victory

February 12, 2023
1 John 5:1-12 John develops one of the central messages of his letter: the importance of the object of our faith. He first discusses faith itself and its fruits (vv.…