Genuine Religion

January 19, 2020
It seems that humans are naturally drawn to celebrate in religion the things that are of lesser concern to God. We move towards those things that are visually impressive or…

Where Is Your Hope?

December 29, 2019
As believers, we have a hope that is outside of this world. In this passage, the Apostle Peter is writing to believers that have been dispersed from their home lands.…
John tells the Christmas story differently from Matthew and Luke. He emphasizes the truth that is at the heart of Christmas: the appearance in history of God manifest in the…

Power and Service

October 20, 2019
In today's passage in Mark, James and John come to Jesus with the request, “Let one of us sit at your right and the other at your left in your…

God is For His People

September 15, 2019
What does it means for God to be for his people? What benefits does God give us in the gospel, and how do we enjoy them? Furthermore, what might diminish…