Herod or John?

May 5, 2019
Mark’s purpose in writing his Gospel is to set before us the terms of discipleship. What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus? What cost comes to those…

Danger Ahead

March 10, 2019
In Mark 3:20–35, we see that Jesus’ family thinks he has lost his mind (v. 21); the teachers of the law think he is possessed by a demon (a liar…

Blinded by Religion, Part 1

February 17, 2019
Are there aspects of Jesus’ message that perhaps you struggle to accept because they seem to challenge your sense of what you think God wants? Perhaps his teachings seem to…

Good News from God

January 27, 2019
Jesus appears, proclaiming the good news of salvation. Jesus provides our promised salvation. Jesus calls us to submit to his reign. We are all called to follow Jesus and to…

The Gospel Begins

January 20, 2019
Who is Jesus? He is the fulfillment of God's promises. What does Jesus call us to do? Repent and embrace his salvation. Mark opens his Gospel with the line, “The…