Genesis 16:1-6 The depth and breadth of our short-sightedness, cynicism, self-reliance and unkindness made it necessary God not rely on us for any of the regenerative work of our salvation…
Daniel 1:1-7 You are either in the kingdom of God or the kingdom of this world. Daniel and his friends knew who they belonged to and whose kingdom they were…
2 Corinthians 2:12-17 Paul gives one more practical explanation before launching into a longer discussion of what it means to have an authentic ministry. In doing so, he transitions us…
Ruth 3:1-4:22 After Naomi learns the identity of Ruth’s benefactor, so to speak, and pronounces a blessing on him, she adds one more key detail to her description of him:…
Psalm 139:1–24 This psalm is ultimately a prayer for God’s defense and vindication of his people. David rejoices that God knows his every motive, that God is present wherever David…
Song of Solomon 1:1–17 Song of Solomon “affirms that God oversees human relationships in their physical and emotional expressions.”[1] Song of Solomon shows us a God who oversees perfect love.…
Psalm 89:1-52 This psalm presents us with a God whose character and promises are sure, but sin and providence make it appear that they are not. What do God’s people…
In Psalm 113, we see that God commands us to praise him, he tells us the manner in which to praise him and reasons to praise him.
It is still possible for those who are following Jesus to have hard hearts towards him. And because of that hard heart, we might fail to recognize who he is…
God brought plagues on Egypt to show that He is the one true God. The exodus of God's people from Egypt is the redemption event of the Old Testament. Exodus…